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Pi-hole uses the well-known relational database management system SQLite3 for managing the various domains that are used to control the DNS filtering system. The database-based domain management has been added with Pi-hole v5.0.

Domain tables (domainlist)

The database stores white-, and blacklists which are directly relevant for Pi-hole's domain blocking behavior. The domainlist table contains all domains on the white- and blacklists. It has a few extra fields to store data related to a given domain such as the enabled state, the dates when the domain was added and when it was last modified, and an optional comment.

The date fields are defined as INTEGER fields as they expect numerical timestamps also known as UNIX time. The date_added and date_modified fields are initialized with the current timestamp converted to UNIX time. The comment field is optional and can be empty.

Pi-hole's FTLDNS reads the tables through the various view, omitting any disabled domains.

Label Type Uniqueness enforced Content
id integer Yes Unique ID for database operations
type integer No 0 = exact whitelist,
1 = exact blacklist,
2 = regex whitelist,
3 = regex blacklist
domain text Yes Domain
enabled boolean No Flag whether domain should be used by pihole-FTL
(0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
date_added integer No Timestamp when domain was added
date_modified integer No Timestamp when domain was last modified, automatically updated when a record is changed
comment text No Optional field for arbitrary user comments, only field that is allowed to be NULL

Adlist Table (adlist)

The adlist table contains all sources for domains to be collected by pihole -g. Just like the other tables, it has a few extra fields to store metadata related to a given source.

Label Type Uniqueness enforced Content
id integer Yes Unique ID for database operations
address text Yes The URL of the list
enabled boolean No Flag whether domain should be used by pihole-FTL
(0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
date_added integer No Timestamp when domain was added
date_modified integer No Timestamp when domain was last modified, automatically updated when a record is changed
comment text No Optional field for arbitrary user comments
date_updated integer No Timestamp when this list has last been updated (pihole -g does not update this timestamp when the downloaded list did not change since the last pihole -g run)
number integer No Number of domains on this list
invalid_domains integer No Number of invalid domains on this list
status integer No 1 = List download was successful, 2 = List unchanged upstream, Pi-hole used a local copy, 3 = List unavailable, Pi-hole used a local copy, 4 = List unavailable, there is no local copy of this list available on your Pi-hole

Gravity Table (gravity)

The gravity table consists of the domains that have been processed by Pi-hole's gravity (pihole -g) command. The domains in this list are the collection of domains sourced from the configured sources (see the adlist table.

During each run of pihole -g, this table is flushed and completely rebuilt from the newly obtained set of domains to be blocked.

Label Type Content
domain text Blocked domain compiled from adlist referenced by adlist_id
adlist_id integer ID associated to adlists in table adlist

Uniqueness is enforced on pairs of (domain, adlist_id). In other words: domains can be added multiple times, however, only when they are referencing different adlists as their origins.

Client table (client)

Clients are identified by their IP addresses. Each client automatically gets a unique identifier (id).

Label Type Content
id integer Client ID (autoincrementing)
ip text IP address of the client (IPv4 or IPv6), Uniqueness is enforced
date_added integer Timestamp when a client was added
date_modified integer Timestamp when a client was last modified, automatically updated when a record is changed
comment text Optional field for arbitrary user comments, the only field that is allowed to be NULL

Clients can be identified by subnets. Arbitrary subnet configurations can be specified using the widely known Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. This allows to specify "broad clients" such as

  • which will match al clients in the range to (256 devices),
  • will match all clients in the range to (65,536 devices), and
  • representing the 1024 IPv4 addresses from to

CIDR notation can be used for IPv6 subnets as well. The IPv6 block 2001:db8::/48 represents all IPv6 addresses from 2001:db8:0:0:0:0:0:0 to 2001:db8:0:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff (1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 = roughly one heptillion devices).

Note that Pi-hole's implementation is more generic than what is written on the linked Wikipedia article as you can use any CIDR block (not only multiples of 4).

Audit Table (domain_audit)

The domain_audit table contains domains that have been audited by the user on the web interface.

Label Type Uniqueness enforced Content
id integer Yes Unique ID for database operations
domain text Yes Domain
date_added integer No Unix timestamp when domain was added